Hello World,
as i am very excited about the idea of the WLFI to redesign financial systems i would like to start the / my first post by talking about solving “world peace” itself.
As far as i see it there are a bunch of Problems the global population is faced with. By taking a short look at the central bank-System we seem to have common knowledge here at WLFI, that the time of centraliced money-systems needs to end as it is.
Lot of people already realized that the actual system is based on exponential growth of the amount of money (if not, see monetary Report of FED, EZB and so on).
Problem here ist: It is a “debt-based-monetary-System” with exponential growth in amount of itself and the interests, which creates from itself new money only by creating new debts.
It is that simple: Every Dollar / Euro (and so on) in positive balance has its mirror somewhere in the system in negative. Means: If Money itself is only created by new debts and growth exponentially - we the people - keep ourself inprisoned in a slavery-system of debts, cryseses, poornes, wars!!! and so on instead of harmony in a world like Heaven on Earth or “Eden”
So how to recreate our Money-System really?
1: Negate exponential monetary Growth by starting a system of true balance in which the money itself has a mechanism that leads to a sustanible flow of money living beeing. But how?
We need a Monetary-System in which:
- new money is created decentraliced - a untuchable right - by every person itself (as easy as writing a check every new-moon)
1.1. The amount of the moonly created money must be fixed like a general agreement of all living one. For example: Every 28 days, write CheckMoney of 2800 Coins (as days of a mooncycle)
Lets talk about that?
1.1.1. The Amount of new created money must be equal to the mount of decayed money
1.1.1+ What is “decayed money”? Decayed money is the money which gets “burned” every month by its own mechanisms. this leads to Top 2.1.
2.1. Decayed Money: Every peace of decentraliced money !created by us the people! needs to decay every month a percantage rate of (for example) 1/13th per Moon.
2.1. Why? Aint this stupid to decrease money? No. Why?
2.1.1.: Now as money decays and is decentralized as a garanteed right the Amount of all money in a econom stays equal every month. This mechanism with a decay-burn leads to a automatically flow of money to us the people / the consumers and keeps the money like blood of economy flowing. It helps us in every aspect of life, makes the rich spend there money before it decays (and us too) and harmonzes everything.
Governance could be allowed to create some money but keep it small like 1-9 % of all (ask D.O.G.E.) But this needs to be set up fixed at “New-Game´s-Starts”. This said: Le´ts say 6 % should be enough for every governent to deleta all tax-laws.
For further sustanible Informations about “Making Money Healthy Again” look out for “Das wunder von Wörgl” (Translate in english by subtitles).
Read about “Sylvio Gesell”, find out it is easy to solve and go.
Times of global Capital-Kommunism ends, everybodey becomes happy…?
Sorry and happy to say: No, there needs to be at least one other erly-step, which may has to happen first or same time:
So what is needed to solve real world peace? What could be as relevant as our money…? Zoom out of your screen, move your head down, watch it:
“It” is Soil, it is the very ground you sit or stand on. your livingspace, every acre of land.
So to free all people from the Situation we live in we need to take a look at our land, houses, living-Spaces and the ones of our neighboors. Everyone of !us - the people! has to pay enormous monthly amounts for our own grownd. Sorry to say, but this is as stupid as taxing our own foods by our own gouvernent - and happens if we play global and lokal “Monopoly” and spend more and more money for simple living to Landkeepers.
If we really want to make a change to real liberation, free markets in a free and happy world, we need to have a first World-Soil-Reform which includes every living space and frees us from all depts, all rents and all house-Credits.
—__ __ __—
we need a monetary-switch and a world-soil reform. The soil has to be in the hands of the living natives and welcome friends. For a sustanible monetary system we need soil-laws that vorbid mortages linked to selfused land and make a future possible in which every family lives in its own debt-free property.
Starts solving sustanable Wold-Peace in harmony
Could but doensnt have to raise global Consciousness itself. For that start playing Leela - Game of SElf-Knowledge and wait for further colours.)
So thats it for the moment and should be enough to start the topic. Just imagine:
All oure ancestors, all living people wouldnt have ever to pay rent or house-credts as we know it. After once set up, most of the reasons for wars and destructions stopped existing. No words can be found to fully explain the true new well-beeing for the world after that happens- And it is imaginable.
Ask further for future generations - as we solve money and soil as a starting point for a new era the best is yet to come.
There is so much more to talk about to be able to build World-Peace-Tools for WLFI and WLSO.
Have a nice day at WLFI - Love you all and send greetings from Europe.
PS: A reform in the Moneysystem is important and would solve a lot, but only a real World-Soil-Reform with fundamental new rules holdes the keys to unlock the door to a world of sustanible more-generation-Liberty for us, the people.